interesting facts about web developers

Are you looking for interesting facts about web developers? Then you have landed in the right place at the right time. The world of technology keeps on moving and so does the field of web development. Even though the core principles do not change, however, new tools, coding languages, and frameworks are also introduced at the same time. As a result, the skills and work of website developers need constant upgrades.

Besides technical aspects, there are many fun facts about web developers. In this blog, we intend to highlight the aspects related to their culture and career. There are many web developer facts you may encounter in this blog to realize how they get the job done.

Upgrade Website Every Two Years

The field of digital marketing and website design is undergoing constant development. The first interesting fact about web developers is that they update websites every two years. The idea for them is to make the website appealing for the target audience to visit again and again. For this purpose, they should have updated website design and development skills. This is because if your website is not up to the mark, then it may not get the desired results for your business.

Website Design Guides The Users Where To Focus

Another interesting fact about web developers is that they design website layouts that browsers can scan easily. A website should place all the important information that users can locate easily. Otherwise, it will prompt the user to leave the website immediately. For this purpose, facts about web developers state that the customers should hire them, rather than messing up the design. They can help in navigation and displaying easy-to-load and process information.

Websites Display Differently On Different Devices

If you are looking for interesting facts about web developers, we recommend you stay tuned. The website you visit on Google Chrome looks different compared to the Safari web browser on your friend’s computer. It is because of rendering and parsing depending upon the browser you are viewing the website. The way the website displays on your device screen is by displaying or translating it in the given browsers.

In specific situations, while the browser loads in a particular order, whereas, on other occasions, it will not at all recognize the code entirely. For website development companies creating a website that provides an attractive experience to the viewers is more of a challenge. One fact about web developers is that they are well-versed in languages like PHP, HTML, and CSS. The language that is used most commonly for development purposes is PhP. It is ideal for resolving potential hurdles and issues related to browsing. It is also one of the web developer’s facts that they have significant knowledge regarding how websites function and appear on browsers. Before launching a website, they focus on fixing the potential issues as their main task.

The First Impression Counts

People initially form their opinion based on the first visit to their website. For this purpose, it is also one of the interesting facts about web developers. They develop websites that take less than a second (0.9 seconds to be precise) for users to see. Then developers make sure that provide a memorable experience to the users. As fun facts about web developers, they focus on strategically placing everything to create an impressive website. There are many aspects included to create a seamless experience, by organizing a website. Some of the aspects include layout, background theme, icons, theme, color theory, images, animations, etc.

Most People Just Scan

Nielsen Norman Group’s study indicates that 79% of people just scan the page, whereas only 16% of users view the text on the website word by word. This is one of the interesting facts about web developers they develop websites that incorporate scannable and skimmable texts. These include bulleted lists, keywords, and sub-headings. However, for SEO purposes, the web page should appear text-heavy. If a website does not have scannable and formatted many viewers will click out because they may lose interest in it. To make website pages easy to read, these include good writing, high-quality graphics, and hypertext links.

The Real Cost Of A Good Website May Range Between $500 To $5000

Another interesting fact about web developers is that the websites they create may range between $500 to $5000. This is because various aspects come into play to give the website a desired appearance. These include the amount of manpower, content accessibility for all kinds of browsers, and number of hours. As a fun fact about web developers, they ensure that they develop a website that follows effective search engine practices.

A Website That Lasts 3 Years Is Too Old

The world is constantly evolving in digital terms, and this is why you should also move forward. An interesting fact about web developers indicates that they recommend people to upgrade their websites regularly. Organizations and individuals that have a website of more than three years, may not get the much-deserved leverage, as compared to the recent ones. This is because facts about web developers indicate that the most recent technology creates a huge difference. Facts about web developers also indicate that many top companies have transformed their websites on emergent technologies. These include Blockchain, AI, and IoT, focusing on modifying and website to improve the user experience.

Loading Time Should Not Be More Than 2 Seconds

Another interesting fact about web developers indicates that users prefer fast-loading websites. So what should be the actual time in which a web page should load? According to Sema Text, a website loading time should range between 0-2 seconds. However, the website also suggests that a 3-second load time is not bad either. One of the facts about web developers is that they develop a website that loads in 2 seconds for a reason. According to a study commissioned by Google, conducted by Deloitte and 55 others, there was a considerable rise in conversion rates (10.1% for travel sites and 8.4%for retail) when the load time of the website was reduced to one-tenth of a second.

Templates Can Also Encounter Restrictions

The 9th interesting fact about web developers is that people want them to work on pre-packaged templates of a website. This is because they prefer to have a website in rather an easy way since they do not have an idea how code works. However, if the companies wish to maintain their credibility, they should ask the developers to develop a custom-developed website. This is what makes them different from their potential competitors.

Source Code Affects Search Engine Ranking

The last interesting fact about web developers is that they forget that every word can attract traffic and increase page reach. This type of error of judgment occurs when they write the code for the website. Search engines derive ranking signals and read the source code of the website. To naturally rank higher, they should focus on writing code that is SEO-friendly. As a fun fact about web developers, they can utilize SEO in several elements of the website. These include header tags, title tags, structured data tags, and meta description tags.


In the above-mentioned blog, we have talked about 10 interesting facts about. web developers. How they prefer innovative approaches and experimenting to give your website an appealing outlook. The website should follow the changing designs and trends.

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